Monday, March 14, 2016

Helpers Everywhere

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of "disaster," I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world. 
-Fred Rogers

I think at least a few of us would agree that the world around us can leave us feeling unsettled at times.  I can hardly jump on social media without being barraged by frightening news stories and polarizing arguments over political views.  It can be overwhelming, to say the least.

Now, I believe that it is important to be informed.  I have watched my fair share of televised political debates and digested more than enough Huffington Post and local news this Spring to remain at least a bit informed.  

But I am shifting what I now choose to consume.  I believe that by filling my life with positive information and with general hope and confidence in humanity, I reduce some of the stress and at times darkness I feel. Positivity and light breeds more positivity and light.  It is a beautiful cycle. 

I choose to believe that there are far more helpers than one can count.  So, I am choosing to actively look for helpers--within my family, in my community, on the news, on the internet. 

So far I can better recognize what my husband does for me and how helpful a little 4-year-old can be.  I have found countless crusaders in my community, each championing special causes. I see loving parents as I shop or even just look out my kitchen window.  I look up to these individuals. I see regular, everyday people making impacts, both big and small, on others' lives as I choose to reflect on their contributions in my media consumption. I am constantly buoyed up by these helpers and feel inspired to make my own contributions at home and in my itty-bitty circle of influence.  

I believe that we can find helpers almost everywhere we look.  We just have to have our eyes prepared to see them.  And in situations where we cannot find a helper, we can step up and become one.

Our world is not improved only by legislators, celebrities, religious leaders, and wealthy individuals. Our world is most significantly impacted each day when all of us collectively choose to be helpers--in our homes, in our families, in our communities.  Small, everyday acts of both service and courage are what make the world a better, brighter place.

Monday, February 29, 2016


Just months ago I would stay up as late as possible on Sunday nights in an effort to postpone the beginning of the week.  (I know that I can't be the only out there who does this.) The only problem seemed to be that I woke up the next morning utterly exhausted.  By Monday afternoon, I was a hot mess holding out for an afternoon nap.

The rest of the week I sometimes felt I was living for the next nap, which honestly was days away.  I was basically following mirage after mirage of 5-minute naps, the kind that start out so beautifully only to be interrupted moments in by the sound of a baby's cries (or--more often--a preschooler with impeccable timing who needs help wiping in the bathroom).  So much for that nap, I would think.  And I would sleepwalk ahead for another day or two.

It's another Monday, but now I have grown to love Mondays.  For the first time in 31 years I can honestly say that I don't dread the beginning of a new week. (And for the first time in years I get to bed before midnight, which is good for my body and my soul.)

For me, a Monday is a fresh, new start.  It is chock-full of hope and excitement for the week ahead.

And I need a lot of fresh, new starts.  In fact, today I gave myself two of them.  (Did you hear that?  Two of them. This is a big deal for a recovering all-or-nothing perfectionist who used to get only one fresh start per week.)

And so this is a fresh new start for this little blog.  Even "Sunshine Project" gets a Monday or two.

And don't we all deserve a beautiful Monday, a nice new start, a press of the reset button.