Monday, February 29, 2016


Just months ago I would stay up as late as possible on Sunday nights in an effort to postpone the beginning of the week.  (I know that I can't be the only out there who does this.) The only problem seemed to be that I woke up the next morning utterly exhausted.  By Monday afternoon, I was a hot mess holding out for an afternoon nap.

The rest of the week I sometimes felt I was living for the next nap, which honestly was days away.  I was basically following mirage after mirage of 5-minute naps, the kind that start out so beautifully only to be interrupted moments in by the sound of a baby's cries (or--more often--a preschooler with impeccable timing who needs help wiping in the bathroom).  So much for that nap, I would think.  And I would sleepwalk ahead for another day or two.

It's another Monday, but now I have grown to love Mondays.  For the first time in 31 years I can honestly say that I don't dread the beginning of a new week. (And for the first time in years I get to bed before midnight, which is good for my body and my soul.)

For me, a Monday is a fresh, new start.  It is chock-full of hope and excitement for the week ahead.

And I need a lot of fresh, new starts.  In fact, today I gave myself two of them.  (Did you hear that?  Two of them. This is a big deal for a recovering all-or-nothing perfectionist who used to get only one fresh start per week.)

And so this is a fresh new start for this little blog.  Even "Sunshine Project" gets a Monday or two.

And don't we all deserve a beautiful Monday, a nice new start, a press of the reset button.